
This is a website designed for one purpose: throwing random write ups onto a website so that they can be accessed publicly. Most of it is simple "how I did it" documentation that I keep around for myself and potentially others to use. If it helps even one person, I believe it has succeeded.

What I do

I mostly work in the Cybersecurity field. TODO: Actually talk about CTF challenges like everyone else.

Generally though, I do a lot of software development in my free time, so a lot of the pages currently on this site relate to that. I mostly make simple tools for myself and others to use, though that is "showcased" better on my home page.

One last note

I have a bad habit of forgetting to write things down. This site exists to hopefully curb that. To be effective in that regard, I want to make this site as low stress as possible. As such, whatever's written on this site may be: out of date; inaccurate; and/or useless. Most everything that will be written here are loose notes for me to look back on later, and is not intended to be the end all be all "THIS IS HOW X WORKS". If some process I run through ends up not working for you, this is my warning ahead of time.